304 Washington Street

New York, NY 10014 - New York County

(646) 318-0935

About Us:

Janine has lived in Jersey City and Hoboken for 22 years and has witnessed a great transformation in the area. She began her real estate investing in Hamilton Park in the late ’90s; during a time of high-interest rates, in a ‘seller’s market,’ Janine lost out on nearly 20 bids before finding the right property. Later, Janine moved into the newly created Powerhouse Arts District where she was a founding member to the PADNA Neighborhood Association. Janine watched these neighborhoods transform, grow, and thrive into a creative work/life community that it is today.


About Jersey City - Realtor:

Janine has lived in Jersey City and Hoboken for 22 years and has witnessed a great transformation in the area. She began her real estate investing in Hamilton Park in the late ’90s; during a time of high-interest rates, in a ‘seller’s market,’ Janine lost out on nearly 20 bids before finding the right property. Later, Janine moved into the newly created Powerhouse Arts District where she was a founding member to the PADNA Neighborhood Association. Janine watched these neighborhoods transform, grow, and thrive into a creative work/life community that it is today.

Category: Real Estate Agencies


Business Hours:

Sunday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Monday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Tuesday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Wednesday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Thursday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Friday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Saturday: 09:00am to 06:00pm
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:
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